Tuesday, February 2, 2010


So as you know, yesterday I mistakenly went running in my hiking tennis shoes, not my running tennis shoes. And today I am paying the consequences. What might those be, you ask?

Here's the deal. When I run, I do something called over-pronation. In english, over-pronating basically means that my foot rolls too far inward when my stride hits the ground, and doesn't correct itself quickly enough.

This Web site says: Because the foot over-pronates, it doesn’t roll back to the neutral position quickly enough as you begin to push off for your next step. This misaligned foot-fall affects the position of the lower leg, the knee, thigh and hip so that the force of your foot-fall is not absorbed in the best possible way. Some parts of your body like your lower back may bear more strain than it should, leading to back pain.

Looks something like this:

No thank you. Luckily, my running shoes are awesome and I am saved from the pain over-pronation causes in my life (except when I wear the wrong shoes). These babies have never let me down.

In and of themselves they help correct over-pronation, but in addition I have shoe inserts that correct the problem even more.

I swear, with all of this gear on my feet, you might think I look like this when I run down the street.

Even though my foot gear is intense...I'm not quite as bad off as this puppy. So without my foot casts (as I like to refer to my running shoes since they so comprehensively protect my feet) on yesterday, I am in a world of pain. Myyyyy kneeeeesssss huuurrrrtttt. And my back. And my body in general.

It's all starting to make sense to me now why I decided to blog about running--I have an outlet for all of my complaining! :)

1 comment:

  1. that puppy looks so. freakin. pitiful! i'm glad you're blogging about all this for those of us who merely observe the "running frenzy" xoxoxooo
