Friday, June 26, 2009

my favorite michael jackson memory

Ok, so maybe we've never actually met, but who doesn't have their favorite MJ dance party moment? That's what I thought. Mine takes place in middle school in good ole dance class; they made EVERYONE take it at my middle school. Imagine every kid you knew in middle school (yes, the awkward years to make things even better) aimlessly flailing their arms and legs in every direction all to the dismay and entertainment of the human being who chose "middle school dance teacher" as a profession. If only they made everyone take dance in college...Anyway, back to MJ. My favorite and most memorable dance routine learned in middle school was our dance to Thriller. Man, dance teachers sure do love to whip that song out around Halloween. When the song starts, we'd all be laying on the ground, then get out of our invisible coffin when the music cues, and then burst out into the Thriller dance. There is nothing better than thirty 7th graders doing the Thriller dance in unison. If only I could have fully appreciated it at the time. RIP, Michael Jackson!

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