Sunday, December 21, 2008

into the wild

so i've been having a busy break! i wasn't expecting to, actually. i thought i would be sitting on the couch watching mtv true life marathons all day every day, but not so. ok, maybe i've seen a FEW marathons, but not as many as i thought :)

went up to nashville on tuesday to hang with erin and scott and planned on coming back thursday, but i was having so much fun i stayed till friday! ate a p.m. a couple of times, went to trivia night at sam's, played a little zelda (shout out to scott:the only person who understands the zelda obesession), and had a few leisurely lunches with sis up in her lawyerly office. it was a great trip, full of a few new developments that are kind of fun :) i'm still mad at vandy for beating auburn, but i have to say i love nashville!

for the past few days i've been playing with old friends here in huntsville. going to crossroads (one of the two bars here in huntsvegas) made me remember how dumb high school was, wish i'd known it was so dumb at the time ;) the "bouncer" didn't believe that i was using my real ID to get in. i guess the new darkened hair is what was throwing him off. it was actually pretty funny because i wasn't even trying to get in as over 21, but he came pretty close to taking away my actual driver's that's something you've never heard before. anyway, everyone i went to HS with was there. it was cool for about 5 minutes.

as for the title of this post, "into the wild" is a movie i watched in nashville. it's nothing short of amazing. recommended to anyone who has ever had the urge to leave society behind; don't fight it, you know you've thought about it before! just watch and you'll see.

MERRY CHRISTMAS! the Lord is come! rejoice, rejoice! went to church this morning with the fam, wonderful service. wonderful God! going to church here in huntsville reminds me of some great childhood memories. praise Jesus, i love celebrating His birthday! does it seem like Christmas is really sneaking up this year? maybe it's just me. i'm excited, but i want the season to last, i'll be sad when it's over. who's with me for celebrating Christmas till feb.? ;)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

this is home

i'm home! back in huntsvegas until classes start in january(not even sure of the exact date of that either...) on my way into town i stopped in birmingham at aunt genie's house for a little family christmas gathering. mom and dad, aunt genie and george, babs, bucky and connie, granmomma joyce and bill were all there. it's been a while since i've seen dad's side of the family so it was good to catch up and everyone seems like they're doing pretty well. after the reminiscing, kisses on cheeks, and a little too much of grandmother's cheese dip, we headed home to huntsville.

much to my surprise, mom and dad have wrapped a bunch of presents and already have them under the tree. i think last year the presents made it under the tree on christmas eve so we're improving! we went a little overboard with the tree this year, its about 11ft big :)

i usually have a bout of grouchiness every year about this time, so pray for my little heart to be humble. christmas is about the birth of Jesus, not about presents. He lived and died for you and me, w-o-w. even if you were the only person in the world, he still would have died that day just for you. He has more love for us than we could ever imagine, and christmas is about just that, CHRIST. for some reason i need reminding of that every now and then, but God and His infinite love and friendship is always patient with my brattyness. He is so GOOD!

i'm going to nashville tuesday to see erin and scott! i'm pretty excited to hang with them for a couple of days before they head up to maine. wedding on may 30th! woo!!! i can't freaking wait.

if you're wondering about the title of this post--it's the name of a song by switchfoot that i absolutely love: "this is home". it's actually on the prince caspian movie soundtrack, that's how i found it. it's about how earth is temporary, but the Kingdom of God is everlasting. check it out.

I've got my memories
They're always inside of me
But I can't go back
Back to how it was
I believe it now
I've seen too much
But I can't go back
Back to how it was
Created for a Place I've never known

This is Home
Now I'm finally where I belong
Where I belong
Yeah, this is Home
I've been searching for a place of my own
Now I've found it,
Yeah this is Home
Yeah, this is Home

Belief over misery
I've seen the enemy
And I won't go back
Back to how it was
And I've got my heart set on what happens next
I've got my eyes wide and it's not over yet
We are miracles
And we're not alone

And now after all my searching
After all my questions
I'm gonna call it Home
I've got a brand new mindset
I can finally see the sunset
I'm gonna call it Home

Friday, December 12, 2008

please ignore my lack of knowledge

i have no clue what i'm doing. but i think it'll be fun to keep my friends and family up to date about my activities, thoughts, hopes, prayers, dreams, and direction in my fast-pace life!

i'm a junor at auburn university, majoring in public relations. i live in a sweet apartment with my 3 loves lindsey, caroline, and kaylan! linds and i were roomies last year, and she and caro were roomies freshman year. i met kaylan in the dorm freshman year, and the rest is history! i just switched to this major from pre-dentistry last semester. to say the least, i basically hated pre-dent; hated classes, hated studying, hated it!! somehow i had myself convinced that if i got through undergrad i would like being a dentist. finally i figured out that if i wasn't liking chemistry, physics, genetics, etc...i wouldn't like being a dentist. duh! another thing that was really aweful about that major was the planning, stressing, planning, and more stressing about my future. will i graduate on time? will i get into dental school? what happens if i don't? there i was, a sophomore in college, thinking about what one failed chemistry test could do to my future. i snapped out of it eventually, went to see a career counselor, and traded in my biology classes for PR 1000! thanks to my Jesus and my parents, who encouraged my to do what i was happy doing, i had total peace about the switch and haven't looked back since!

speaking of Jesus, i'm also a younglife leader here in auburn at opelika high school. it is amazing ministry focused on building relationships with high school kids. i have an amazing group of 9th grade girls who i get to love on every day! the other people on my team are incredible. the leaders on opelika high team are: jenny-team leader, claire, joey, jordon, holly, kelli, lauren, jessica, andie, ansley, elizabeth, matt, and drew. they are amazing and their love for God amazes me every day. i usually go up to the high school 2-3 times a week to see my girls, and meet new girls! i'm so blessed to have the opportunity to share the love of God with high schoolers (we all remember how bad high school can suck, i get to be someone who's not a parent to talk to and get advice coming from a Christian perspective for these girls) we have club every monday night where we play outrageous games, sing crazy songs, and hear the Word of God. so pretty much the greatest thing ever.

at this point i'm trying to figure out what i'm going to do with my life, but enjoying public relations. part of what i love is NOT knowing where i'm going to be after graduating. i just get to focus on enjoying the journey at auburn and life as it is! i've been sitting on this couch for about a week now (studying for finals which are finally OVER!!!!) so i'm going to pack for Christmas break. yay! thank you Jesus. for everything. xoxoxoxoxoxo megs